Privacy Policy

IMAD is committed to protecting any personal information that you may provide to us. We want you to understand what kinds of information we gather from you, how this information is used and protected, and how you can control its use. This statement discloses the privacy practices of The Institutes Web site. By using the Web site, the user agrees, without limitation or qualification, to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Any changes in our Privacy Policy will be communicated in this page, so please check back from time to time.
This policy applies to the online collection of information at this Web site only.

You are not allowed to send any personal information to The Institutes Web site unless you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and by the law. In general, you can visit this Web site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. Our Web site tracking software collects the domain names but not the email addresses of visitors. Domain name information that we collect is not used to personally identify you, but is used to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site and the pages viewed. We use this information to measure the use of the site and improve the content delivered on the site.

When you make a request for further information, you are asked to provide certain contact information that is collected and used for the purpose of responding to your request. The information collected from you may include your name, address, telephone number or email address. We may use this information to contact you through various means, including phone calls, text messages, e-mail and postal mail about programs and services that we offer. We collect personal information you submit pursuant to the registration and enquiry submission processes of our Web site. If you e-mail us, you are voluntarily releasing information to us.

In addition, we may have collected similar information from you in the past. We use that historic information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By using our Web site you are consenting to our continued use of any such information. When you make a request for further information and provide us with your personal contact information, that information is collected and used for the purpose of responding to your specific requests. We do not share, sell or lease personal information about you except as set forth in this Web site.

We use the aggregate and specific information from users to develop statistics that are helpful to us in understanding how our Web site is used, and how we can continue to improve it. The personal information you send to us is typically used to respond to your enquiries, to process your requests, or to allow you to access specific information. We share your information with affiliated schools and with our parent company and with other affiliated businesses that are notified of our Privacy Policy. We DO NOT sell, rent or give your personal information to any non-affiliated third parties, except as described in this notice. We may also transfer your personal information to companies that perform services on our behalf or to companies that we believe may offer you related services or products that may be of interest to you. We notify businesses to which we transfer your personal information that the information was shared with us under this Privacy Policy. If you tell us that you do not wish to have this information used for further contact, we will remove you from our database list. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us or if you wish to check your information, please e-mail us at

Questions regarding our Privacy Policy
If you have questions concerning our privacy practices, feel free to contact us.